Saturday, July 30, 2016

Batman The Killing Joke - 90%

Interesting movie..

Really two 45 minute episodes instead of a movie.
The first half had a different animation than the second half.
Mark Hamill was amazing. His voice acting for the Joker was spot on.


The ending of the second half left me with a feeling of "That's it?"Which is not good. It was supposed to be some kind of doubt as to if Batman killed Joker or not.

At first I didn't like the final joke but the more I thought about the more it fit the movie and I liked it.

I find it hard to believe that the Joker hasn't determined Batman's identity by now.. So he shot Barbra to get to Gordon. He had no idea that she was Bat girl or that Batman had a brief thing with her.

Still a great movie in my opinion. I enjoyed both parts. At first I felt they were too disconnected but after reflecting on it I felt they were connected just the right amount.

Star Trek Beyond - 65%

Plot was poor

Just play some bad rock music and all the bad guys exploded

It was very typical.. Roller coaster ride of action with slam on the breaks and laugh every few scenes

Acting was so so

They lost their ship in the first few minutes of the movie but who cares.. Those are a dime a dozen

Went to the theater for this one and they gave out free tribbles

Thursday, July 21, 2016

Batman vs. Superman - 10%

Awful! I wish I could get those three hours back.

My least favorite part was the ending.
Superman should stay dead for crying out loud!

Batman's change of heart was way too sudden after finding out their moms had the same name.
Stupid point...

Too jumpy. The future dream came out of no where.

All the fights were like dances. Shoulda just add some music and have them sing the YMCA while they fight.

I had some low expectations for this movie but they were not met...

I recommend not wasting your time with.

My Hero Academia - 98%

Fantastic anime!

  • Great character development
  • Great story
  • Great humor 
  • Great animation
I watched 11 of the 13 episodes back to back
My favorite character was frog girl
The friendship / rival was intense
The personality of All Might was fantastic

The setup is good for another season, I can't wait to see where they take it.

Saturday, July 16, 2016

Secret Life of Pets - 90%

Saw it in the theater.

In one sentence: This is a feel good movie...
There is no true antagonist. Everything becomes friends.
The true struggle was finding their way back home.
It is a kids movie but the bunny was a bit harsh.

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Lego Porche 42056

I have one!!

Opening the box!

Finished Box 1

Box 2 in progress

Finished Box 2

Finished Box 3

Finished Box 4. Completed Porche!

Finished Box 4. Completed Porche!

Finished Box 4. Completed Porche!

The Choice - 0%


"Painfully Formulaic"

Plain painful...

Could only stand to watch half of this movie and I predicted the plot in the first 2 minutes.

Only watched because someone else picked it out.

San Francisco - Zoo