Will Arnett, Jamie Berard and Amy Corbett did great.
- The Lego Masters, Jamie and Amy, gave good advice and feedback to each of the contestants.
- Will was Will with the Jokes.
- The builds were amazing!
- Sooo grueling with 24 hour builds!
- But... There were several things I didn't like about the show...
- They had to have a token contestant team for each minority / preference
- Too subjective.
- Eliminating an amazing team because of one bad off day sucks.
- Need to have something better defined for overall performance taking into account.
- They should have 2nd, and 3rd place prizes too!
- The no elimination / dud show before the finale was frustrating.
- Should have removed the few curse words...
Wasn't too upset about the winner selection...
Felt it was a toss up between Mark Boone and Tyler Amy.