Friday, December 27, 2019

X-Men S2 - 95%

Season 2 is even better and darker than Season 1!
Rogue's back story is so dark! Permanently stole the powers of marvel and put her in a coma!
The Gambit back story was cool too!

Great season! Aged well!

X-Men S1 - 95%

I loved watching this as a kid. Got to get my retro fix! Thanks Disney+
- I watched this about 28 years ago so I forgot and missed a lot.
- I like the 2 part cliff hangers
- I like the animation style
- I like the dialog
- I like the characters

Season 1 was so packed with great plot!
- Jubilee
- The Cure
- The Sentinels that are set on stun
- The love fight between Wolverine and Cyclops, for Jean
- Rogue!

This show really aged well!

POE Ice shot Deadeye - 50%

Remind me never to play a bow or evasion based build again.
Expensive gear and low survive-ability.
I found like 6 exalts and spent most of them trying to link the armor... fail and waste.
The league is meh as well.

On the plus side the new 3.9 map system is good.

Monday, December 23, 2019

El Camino - 70%

- Kinda boring.
- Very little action and plot.
- Just a conclusion for Jessie.

Blacklist S6 - 90%

- The trials were well written and intense. 
- The big reveal was a bit of a let down... I wanted the big reveal to be that the person pretending to be Reddington was actually.... drum roll please!!! Her mom! disguised as her deceased dad!
- Reddington in prison was cool. 
- Dembe having to keep secrets for both was cool. 
- Anna McMahon and Robert Diaz were good plots. 

I will definitely watch the next season.  

Frozen II - 60%

The best part was Olaf acting out Frozen I.

The music was meh.

The story was terrible and confusing.

How did Ana "Magically" know to destroy the dam?

Why did they build the dam in the first place?

Why did Ana not have powers and Elsa did? I thought for a moment maybe, that Elsa might be adopted...

Didn't really care for it.

Seinfeld S1-S9 - 100%

Whew. I watched this as a kid and a lot and missed several.
Over this past year I went back and watched it in order, one a day-ish.

So many great episodes, quotes, and moments.
"A dingo ate my baby"
"I am not the one going to hell"

So much character development. Such great classic sounds.

Some of my favorite episodes... Too many to list them all...

Season 2 episode 9 The Deal
Season 4 episode 11 The Contest
Season 7 episode 2 The Postponement
Season 8 episode 3 The Bizarro Jerry

George is my favorite character.
Like how Seinfeld goes through a girl every episode and doesn't get upset when relationships end.
Like how the friendship of the 4 is never on the line.
Like the girl that Seinfeld was engaged to.

The irony of a show about nothing in a show about nothing

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Walking Dead S9 - 90%

- Long haired Carol is cool
- I liked the music  teacher
- Judith and Negan are annoying
- I was shocked the Jesus died
- I liked the story of Henry and how it concluded
- Liked how the Kingdom is done. Having three cities is too much to keep up with
- The Whisperers are so so
- Good season overall

Aladdin - 65%

Meh. Didn't really like the acting for Jasmine or Aladdin.
I didn't like the odd song that Jasmine solos on near the end with the guards disappearing.
I didn't feel like Will Smith was a good fit.
The set seemed cheap. Like the walls were fake and there was nothing behind them.

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Exotic Pet Expo

Fantastic Haul!

Baby Pumpkin Patch

100 Super Worm Colony

100 Red Runner Roach Colony

         feigning death beetles

peruphasma schultei

Finally caught my vinegaroon eating

Liebherr R 9800 - 80%

Very massive set. 
Didn't like that nothing is really pneumatic, the hoses are just for show. 
Not much in the way of cleverness, each motor just controls one function. 
Nothing as cool 8043. 
Over all stiff a fun build and lots of good motors. 

My biggest complaint is that the Control+ app will not let you control any configuration. 

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Land Rover - 98%

Great detail.
Like the color.
Like the wheels.
The gear box is great but the alignment to get rid of the clicking noise is a pain.
The body is great, no huge holes.
The suspension is good and the doors are sturdy.

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Destiny's Bounty - 98%

Fantastic set. Tons of great detail and character. 
I like the Japanese feel with the sails, flags, and dragon heads. 
I am not a fan of Ninjago but the boat was so cool I couldn't pass it up. 

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Toy Story 4 - 95%

Plot was good
Voices were good
Animation was good

Good message of the spork not being trash and growing to accept his role as a toy
Good conclusion with Woody going off on his own

Joker - 99%

Wow, even better than I hoped.
Acting was beyond anything I had imagined.
Joaquin Phoenix was just skin and bones.
So much painful laughing, smoking, and dancing.
Great music.
Great visuals.

My main complaint was that I didn't like how they kept making this or that just his imagination.

P.S. The SNL Grouch origin prodigy was spot on. 

Sunday, October 6, 2019

POE Necromancer - 95%

A bit overpowered..
- The easiest Uber lab ever.. Basically 1 shot at level 67.
- The easiest Shaper ever.. My first deathless Shaper ever.
- Very tanky and pretty quick clear.
- Play style is basically summon skeletons and avoid getting hit.. run ahead and recall.