Sunday, April 30, 2017

Split - 85%

It was good I guess.

It felt like I was watching 10 Cloverfield lain.
I didn't feel the ending...
   I wanted them to say that Casey Cook also had multiple personality disorder.

The acting was good. The movie was entertaining.
The thing with the wired uncle was too far.

I recommend it if you love Shyamalan. He has done well making a name for himself.

Volvo EW160E Lego 42053

Fun build.

Pneumatic are fun.. I like the orange in the color scheme.

Front Loader Lego 8043b

Fantastic Set.

8043 is undoubtedly my favorite Lego Technic set of all time and I don't even own it.
I just have all the pieces in white...

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Pink Bloom Bloomed

Pink bloom after molt on 1/6/17

Same pink bloom after molt on 4/17/17

Sunday, April 16, 2017

Logan - 50%

Ouch. I hated this movie. Slow. Needless cursing and nudity. Story sucked.

Wolverine dies, again...
Professor X dies, again...
I don't care.

My friends had hyped this movie up so I went in with some expectations but I was major disappointed...

2 hours and 21 minutes of my life that I can not get back...

Parks and Rec S2 -90%

Made it through the longest season. Great fun. Here is my list of favorite episodes from S2:
- Episode 2: Great setup, and introduction of (Dave) Louis CK. Seems like Parks and Rec is the place where several have gotten their start.
- Episode 12: Tricked Leslie into making it look like she was in a sex scandal.
- Episode 13: Will Arnett was setup on a blind date, just the sound of his voice makes me laugh.
- Episode 14: The house party that Leslie threw for Justin rocked. My favorite part was where Leslie turned herself in and Ron testified by being a hostile witness answering every question with a question.

I was sad to see (Mark Brendanawicz) Paul Schneider go..

Looking forward to watching more.

Sunday, April 9, 2017

Gooty Sapphire Tarantula

I snagged these fantastic tarantulas at the Dixie Reptile show this weekend!

Poecilotheria Metallica

Antilles Versicolor 

Ghost in the Shell - 80%


I was amazed at how they managed to have a visually stunning and true to the anime.
Visually, this movie nailed making the anime come to life.
There were several scenes that were just jaw dropping.

All that aside... The plot sucked. They managed to rip off several elements of the anime plot and then twist it into garbage. In the anime there was no love interest and no forcing poor people to take part in some experiment for some corporate gain. The claim of all the past failures was weak. The plot was a typical weak American plot.

It has apparently tanked in the box office... I feel that they decided to give it the American plot because they were too afraid to risk the original. I believe their effort to "play it safe" is what caused the tanking.

Another complaint is the stray pure bread well fed dogs....

And another was the language. I know Scarlet can't speak Japanese... But they tried to have some Japanese mixed with English. Just go all out English if that is the route. Don't go half heart.

Just watch the anime and then watch mute clips from this movie and all will be good.

Thursday, April 6, 2017

Parks and Rec S1 - 85%

Solid laughs. Nice short episodes. I like all the actors.

Plot is good enough. Comedy is just as good as most.

I like how it is more centered around work than The Office was.

I have been told that it gets better so I am looking forward to watching more on Netflix.

I put this right up there with The Office, and The IT Crowd.

Legion S1 - 98%

Not at all what I expected.
Most episodes were a non stop action / plot thick roller coaster ride.

Great plot! Great special effects. Can't believe this is on T.V.

I really enjoyed the silent film and portions with no dialog. Very epic.

Loved the feel of X-Men but not.

The love story was well done between Legion and Sydney.

Fantastic blending between Legion's mind and reality.

Great story of how Legion learned to control his power and overcome his demons.

Great cliff hanger / lead in to the next season. Can't wait to watch S2!

All packed into just 8 episodes!

Aubrey Plaza (Lenny) is talented and her role was fantastic.

The Walking Dead S7 - 90%

Good season overall.
Nice plot.. Gathering the other settlements and Rick's transformation from broken to not.

Episode 1   - The best and most jaw dropping for me.
Episode 13 - Great story for the kingdom to have time to join the fight.
Episode 16 - Finally some tiger action.

- There were several slow spots/a lot of setup.
- I thought how they stole the guns from the coast women was dumb.
- Sasha has no patience.
- Every episode involving the coast women was disappointing.

- Not very much preacher. Can't stand him...
- The ending was great... Had everything I was looking for.
- Good balance of zombie action.

The Walking Dead is still going strong after completing a 7th season.

Sunday, April 2, 2017

Grimm S6 - 60%

Finally done! A gruelingly long series.

"The End" was very predictable.

The sprinkling of story / plot felt sparse and almost random.
It was as if the developers of the show were never sure if they were going to get funding to continue or not. When the funds were good the filler was flowing but when things were uncertain they added a little story.

I was disappointed in how they frequently backed tracked and recanted key points. The rules were loose and made up as they went. At one point they said that the Grimm had heightened senses and at other points he was just a normal guy.

The whole ending was a twisting of the bible. Which I didn't care for.

All in all I am glad it is over. I mostly kept watching it because I had already seen so much.

I do not recommend this series. Nick lacked depth and the acting was poor. But the worst part was the plot / lack there of.

Saturday, April 1, 2017

Beauty and the Beast - 85%

Meh. Not my kind of movie.

It was a good honest to goodness remake of the original.
They added just a few things but nothing big.

All the good old songs and good enough acting.

Great special effects...

It was good for what it was but I would not recommend for children below 13 despite the PG rating.

Train to Busan - 90%

Fantastic special effects.
Great zombie action.

Far better than any other zombie movie I have ever seen except for maybe Warm Bodies, but that is not really a fair comparison.

Good enough story, good enough acting.

My favorite parts where the zombies built up in the train like a wave and when the zombies were holding on to the back of the train.

Highly recommend if you are into The Walking Dead or zombies in general.

A Monster Calls - 86%

It was a tear jerker which is not my kind of movie, but despite that it was good.

Felt long and slow at several points...

Great animation on the monster and decent story. I liked the stories the monster told better than I liked the story of the movie.

Could be a movie to encourage people who are going through losing a loved one.

Lego Batman - 100%


Well thought out! Covered so much rich history and witty.
Many many great one liners.
Great animation.
Great story.

About half way through, I was so overwhelmed I thought it has got to end soon but it just kept going. And kept on giving and giving. It was not bored any. I can't wait to see it again.

Clean, great voice acting. Maybe the best movie I will see this year.

It was even better than the first Lego movie.

Iron Fist - 87%

It was good for the most part. Better that I expected after the critics ripped it a new one.

- It felt like the villain was weak.
- The change of heart Joy had against Danny was to sudden.
- Felt like it was a big setup for another season.
- Kinda slow.
- The ending punch the ground scene was too big a jump in power.

I liked it was better than Daredevil season 2 and way better than Luke Cage.