Saturday, April 18, 2020

POE Split Arrow Gladiator - 95%

The most $$ build to date... Over 1M bleed DPS

I crafted the a nice bleed bow which is the highest price item I have ever had.
Took 2000 ish fuses to link it.
I exalted it for the increased attack speed.
Fossil Corroded + Jagged till I got a good roll.

The belt was the biggest trade I have ever made...

Lego Masters S1 - 70%

Will Arnett, Jamie Berard and Amy Corbett did great.
- The Lego Masters, Jamie and Amy, gave good advice and feedback to each of the contestants.
- Will was Will with the Jokes.
- The builds were amazing!
- Sooo grueling with 24 hour builds!
- But... There were several things I didn't like about the show...
   - They had to have a token contestant team for each minority / preference
   - Too subjective.
   - Eliminating an amazing team because of one bad off day sucks.
      - Need to have something better defined for overall performance taking into account.
   - They should have 2nd, and 3rd place prizes too!
   - The no elimination / dud show before the finale was frustrating.
   - Should have removed the few curse words...

Wasn't too upset about the winner selection...
 Felt it was a toss up between Mark Boone and Tyler Amy.

Barracuda Bay - 100%

Maybe the best Lego set I have!
- So much detail, color, character, nostalgia, size!
- I have not yet taken the boat off the island so I will make a separate post with pics for that later.
- I added the monkey from a little set I got when I was 10!
- The lanterns are great and well placed. 
- The shark, pig, birds, trees are all great!

Friday, April 17, 2020

Parasite - 98%


- Acting was beyond good.
- Plot was great except the son, Ki-jung, should have stayed dead.
- The rock was such a great part of the story.
- So many twists and tense moments.
- Twisted humor.
- The dad, Ki-taek, was such an amazing actor.
- Amazing visuals and music.
- Story telling and character development.
- Great climatic ending with the house party but not so much after that with the son coming back to life and having the idea to get rich and buy the house.

This movie is not for everyone but I thought it was amazing! 

Beautiful Day In The Neighborhood - 98%

- Great move!!!

- Really captured Mr. Rogers.
- Singing was good.
- Loved the prayer scene.
- Loved how Mr. Rogers said the most important person in the world was the person he was talking to.
- Loved how Mr. Rogers talked about death and such real topics.
- Loved how Mr. Rogers didn't think of himself as a hero.
- Tom Hanks did a fantastic job acting!

- Only thing that didn't flow well was the dream scene. It didn't communicate well when it started or ended. What was real and what wasn't.

The Platform - 70%

- Primes was interesting... A platform with food on it that doesn't have enough to make it down all the floors when people at the top take more than their share.
- Rule of not being able to keep food was a good plot point and was re used a couple of times.
- Special effects and acting were good enough
- Riding the platform down was cool.
- Monthly reset was cool.
- Ending broke it for me. Too much chaos with no real punchline. The girl is the message was the best they could come up with... ? Maybe I just don't get it...
- No purpose to them being in there.
- No reason people died there.
- No value or sense in a certificate of completion?

I guess maybe it is all some kind of metaphor for how meaningless real life is?

Sunday, April 5, 2020

Onward - 100%

Great movie! Good to see such an original.
- Plot was very solid.
- Tear jerking and epic.
- Amazing graphics.
- Solid character development.
- Great music.
- Great plot device for the disguise scene.
- Fantastic how each brother had his distinct values.
- Chris Pratt did great with the voice!
- My favorite part was when he sent the van on its last mission.
- My wife cracked up on the ending scene "I was born to run".

Highly recommend!

Origami Dragon & Wolf

Folded by myself from: Dragons and Other Fantastic Creatures in Origami by John Montroll 

Origami Dragon with claws

Origami Dragon with claws

Origami Winged Wolf

Origami Winged Wolf