Saturday, June 29, 2019

I Am Mother - 85%

- Solid scifi. 
- Predictable, yet still conversation provoking. 
- The origami was amazing, master level. 
- Kind of a Noah's Ark story and a focus around mothers... 
- Lots of little plot holes but try not to get caught up on them... 
- Don't really know why daughter shot the mother robot after it told her that she wouldn't die from it. 
- Interesting with the woman having a pet dog and accusing Daughter for wanting her for a pet. 

I liked it pretty well... Wife said she just wasted two hours of her life that she can never get back. 

Tick S2 - 96%

- Fantastic! Peter Serafinowicz as the Tick is spot on!
- Arthur really came into his own.
- The romance/relationship between Dot and Overkill was magical.
- Character transition of Miss Lint was good.
- The little lobster babies singing got old.
- Superian was fantastic with using Arthur as his therapist and talking to himself on the moon and struggling with his online likes... wow..
- I think the ending with the spaceship saying he was a fugitive was because they were from the future and they were judging him for a crime he was about to do.. doing the superman and turning back time on earth.

This is show must watch show!
I was very sad to hear that it was canceled and I hope they bring it back!

Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Origami Resin First Attempt

All I had to work with was a silicon ice cube tray. 
The fumes were worse than I had expected. 
While I was making it, I felt like quitting but after seeing the results I think I will give it another go.
I ordered a respirator and some better molds. 


I decided to have a little photo shoot with my tarantulas.

Gooty Sapphire

chilean rose hair

Same chilean rose hair


pink bloom

Same pink bloom

Golden Knee

Same Golden Knee

Sunday, June 23, 2019

Matrix Revolution - 95%

Just as good as Matrix Reloaded.

The plot was great!
The Neo being blinded and seeing all the gold light was beautiful and powerful.
The final battle with Neo and Smith was satisfying.
The ending of the humans and machines living in peace was fantastic.
Both Neo and Trinity dying was nice and tragic.
Neo played such a wholesome hero with so few character flaws.

I got a little bored of watching Niobe flying the ship...
Felt like the cursing was stepped up a notch...
The random nudity in the club was pointless..

Solid trilogy and great ending!

Matrix Reloaded - 95%

Other than the random shots of boobs while Neo an Trinity has implied sex the movie was fantastic.

I saw this when it first came out in 2003 (16) years ago but had forgotten a lot of it.

There were lots of really great scenes...
- The ghost brothers fight
- The Merovingian was well played and the fight at his house just before the ghost brothers was great
- The fight Neo had with the Oracle's bodyguard
- One of the best freeway/car fights ever

Character development was good
Love between Neo and Trinity developed well

The plot was solid: The unstoppable dream that Neo was having of Trinity dying.
My favorite scene was Neo flying to catch Trinity as she fell and the cars bouncing around behind his vacuum.

Great sequel to the original Matrix which I considered difficult to accomplish.
The first Matrix just felt like a complete story like Star Wars episode IV.

Saturday, June 15, 2019

Satisfactory - 100%

Satisfactory was mind blowing.
So much detail so much to do.
So much to build and see and explore.

I pretty much completed the early access in about 30 hours. Could do it a lot faster now.
Learned a lot.. like connecting the power plants, climbing, and placing splitters and mergers on existing belts.

Definitely going to play again on a different map.

The video is of my base giving a quick tour.

Took me a long time to get quartz running to my base!

Lunar Lander 10266 - 100%

Fantastic. So detailed! Great building techniques. 
Only complaint is that it is so fragile... it will slip off the stand and break if not super careful. 
My 4 year old daughter was trying to get off the shelf herself and broke it over her head. 

The Matrix - 100%

- Saw it a long long time ago and it came it Netflix so I re-watched.
- So fantastic! So iconic!
- So many classic scenes, the pills, the metal detector, guns lots of guns, the bullet time
- Amazing story, still sends chills down my neck.
- The oracle is so well played and every word she says so smooth
- It has aged well.

I can't even remember what happened in the other Matrix movies..
Netflix got them all so I am gonna watch them..

Godzilla Monster King - 75%

- Some great monster fight scenes. 
- Godzilla just kept falling down and getting back up again.. he is unbeatable..
- The human characters were blah, the human story was blah.
- The kid caught in the middle of the parents fighting over kill or not kill the monsters was dumb.
- The idea of the Orca felt cheap and dumb..
- Lots and lots of needless cursing. Felt out of place.

John Wick 3 - 100%

- So much better than chapter 2.
- Just as good as chapter 1.

- I still don't know what happened with the dog... Did it get shot in the vest? Were there three dogs?
- The action was amazing.
- The story was pretty good.
- The back story was fantastic.
- The end caught me by surprise!
- The Adjudicator was great.

Zero played by Mark Dacascos was hilarious! Reminded me a little of One Punch

Lots and lots of violence...