Sunday, April 10, 2016

10 Cloverfield Lane - 65%

Had high hopes for this and at the end I felt like I had just seen a good movie. But, the more I thought about it the more I didn't like it. The acting was great and John Goodman was fantastic but it was the plot that caused me issues. Howard (Goodman) played a conspiracy theory nut and he abducted Michelle to be his bunker.

The issue I had was with the was a character named Emmett who was a fellow survivor trapped with Michelle. Emmett put the viewer at ease and made you think that maybe Howard is telling the truth. The difference between Michelle and Emmett was that Emmett wanted to be there from the start and Michelle was abducted. If Howard really was the character he was made out to be he would have never let Emmett in from the start. He would have had another girl instead.

Another issue I had is that Michelle had some back story about how she always panicked and ran away from bad situations but in every scene she was quick thinking and calm to defeat the situation. She showed no fear when steeling the keys and when facing the alien.

Lastly, the tie in with the original Cloverfield was weak at best.

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